The value in exercise is well known, but growing evidence shows even 15 minutes of movement can achieve physical and mental health benefits.
"I think we almost need to take the word 'exercise' out and just talk about movement," said Michelle Ryder with GoodLife Fitness.
"A lot of the time we think we need to be training for something but I think coming to the gym and doing any kind of movement is training for life."
As a way to keep people active this season, ParticipACTION introduced the 'Move for your Mood' challenge, which can be found on their free app.
"Move for your Mood is all about recognizing the importance of movement and how 15 minutes of movement can give you a mood lift," said Natalie Tooman, who is the organizations participation health promotion manager.
She adds it doesn't have to be complicated either, as long as it tests strength, flexibility, and endurance.
"15 minutes has the power to release positive hormones inside your body that do lift mood and reduce anxiety," said Tooman.
Coming with its own challenges, moving your body can bring mental health benefits, according to a Halifax-based psychologist Dr. Dayna Lee-Baggley.
"It often doesn't feel good and we sort of have this expectation that you are supposed to love the activity or love the habit that you are doing, and it's quite normal for a lot of people to actually not enjoy it in the moment, although it's good for them in the long term," she said.