The Beazley family home in Dartmouth, N.S., is a spooky property, oozing with Halloween horror and special effects.
"This is House of Doom," said Shelly Beazley. "Our little boy's Halloween fantasy dream come true."
That little boy is 12-year-old Canon Beazley.
"It is my favourite time of the year and I can’t wait for Halloween, and it is today," said Canon.
The Beazley family has always been big on celebrating Halloween.
In early 2021, life took a terrifying turn when Canon was diagnosed with cancer.
"He had a Stage 1 Wilms tumor, which meant he had to have his left kidney removed with the tumor," said his mother Shelly.
Canon endured months of chemotherapy.
These days he's feeling much better.
"I would say 100 per cent, for sure," said Canon.
Canon is a young man with improved health and a big heart, who is now using his family's extensive Halloween decorations to attract attention and launch a campaign to financially support the IWK Health Centre.
"Last year after he had been through his cancer and cancer treatment, he decided that he would make it a fundraiser and become a warrior for the IWK," said Shelly.
There is an online donation portal and neighbours have been dropping off cash contributions.
Canon is already close to reaching this year's $10,000 target.
"Last year Canon raised $15,700," said Shelly.
The spirit and determination of Canon has also helped his family navigate through the trauma and terror of living with a cancer diagnosis.
"He has been amazing throughout the whole thing, which has quite frankly on easier on his parents," said his father Dan. "He is so resilient and so positive. Every challenge that comes this way, he just grabs on."
Canon said his he so grateful to the IWK, that he believes he has a debt to repay.
"It is always so positive there, no matter what is happening," said Canon. "I just love that I am able to give back."
And celebrate the day of the year he loves the most with what resembles a miniature theme park, crammed into his family's Dartmouth property.