Glen Lefebre has hockey roots that go back decades.
“Since probably I was 10 years old,” said Lefebre.
The 71-year-old stopped playing on a regular basis in early adulthood. However, he always stayed close to the game.
“We raised three boys. We fostered ten at three different times and they played hockey.”
Lefebre recently made the decision to get back into the game. He didn’t have connections to join a team or a league, so he turned to social media to offer his on-ice services.
Lefebre created a Facebook post highlighting his hockey background and even offered to play goalie.
The response has been overwhelming.
"I was quite surprised," said Lefebre.
When recreational hockey player Ron Bulmer read Lefebre’s post, he invited him to join his Friday noon-hour hockey group.
Beyond just hockey, it was also a chance to make some new friendships.
"One of the things that is nice is, in the dressing room before the game, we are sharing what is going on in our lives,” said Bulmer.
As for Lefebre's abilities on ice?
“I’ve got skills,” said Lefebre.
He also now has a place to play. In fact, his hockey schedule is about to get busy.
“I would like to play two maybe three times a week, it depends on the time," said Lefebre. "Because, like any exercise, once a week isn’t very much.”