Food insecurity is on the rise across the Maritimes as the COVID-19 pandemic rolls on, making the work of food banks in the region more important than ever.
Distributing food is a 12-month effort for Feed Nova Scotia, but as it does every year, the charity provides a little extra over the holiday season.
"We have a Christmas program and this year we supported just over 20,000 people for Christmas hampers and a gift card for kids, which is more than last year," said Nick Jennery, executive director at Feed Nova Scotia.
The same is true in New Brunswick, where a food bank in Shediac says it's seeing an increase in customers.
"We’re probably up to about 1,800 now, which is the highest we’ve been so far, and what is surprising is that over 50 per cent of our clients are children," said Marc Leblanc, executive director at Vestiaire St-Jospeh -- a food bank in Shediac.
According to Leblanc, the demand at his food bank is getting harder to meet.
"As the pandemic stretches out, the economy, with the shape it’s in right now, we are seeing a bit of donor-fatigue, so not as much donations as we usually see," explained Leblanc.
On Prince Edward Island, at-home learning has been extended for students, meaning those who rely on school-based meal programs may not have anything to eat.
To ensure children and teens don't go left unfed, the province has launched an initiative where it will deliver pre-cooked, reheatable meals to children during the week of Jan. 4 to 7.
As a way to do his part, a pilot in Nova Scotia who is well-known for his creative designs in the sky is offering a once-in-a-life-time opportunity to fly with him for free.
Pilot Dimitri Neonakis is asking people to make a monetary donation to Feed Nova Scotia, send him a copy of the receipt and he will randomly draw one winner.
"I will be the private pilot," said Neonakis. "I am your private pilot for the day and I will take you around and I’m going to show you Nova Scotia like you’ve never seen it before."
Jennery says what Neonakis is doing is outstanding.
"Not only does he generate support that we can very quickly distribute to any part of Nova Scotia, but he also engages the community, he engages the public, he increases awareness," said Jennery.
Neonakis has raised approximately $5,000 for Feed Nova Scotia so far.
He says he will do his draw at the end of the day Friday, and post the winner on his Facebook page.