Some Maritimers are adjusting their spending habits and summer plans as gas prices hit record-highs across the country.
The national average is pushing towards $1.97 per litre and motorists in all three Maritime provinces are paying more than $1.90 per litre.
According to Les Josey, a cab driver in the Halifax area, the cost to gas-up and operate his taxi is now more expensive than ever before.
“It cost me probably about $85 a day," said Josey, who has been driving a cab for more than two decades. "Before, it was $55 or $60."
Adam Miller lives in the Annapolis Valley and drives to Halifax most days.
“Our travelling to work costs twice as much as it ever did, which is hard on the family,” said Miller, who also said the time to make changes in the family budget is fast approaching.
“We are going to have to start doing that soon," said Miller. "We’ve been trying to live the same life we’ve always lived, but we won’t be able to do that soon if the price of everything keeps going up.”
Based on gas price trends across the country, prices at the pumps will continue to go up in the Maritimes.
“In the past week, we have seen gas go to $2 a litre in many parts, like Quebec and Ontario,” said Dan McTeague, who is with Canadians for Affordable Energy. "We could be looking at prices of gas surging above $2 a litre.”
McTeague also pointed out this latest escalation comes at a time when the cost of fuel was already expected to rise.
“It is summertime and we see prices go up anyway," said McTeague. "Gas detaches from oil and it creates its own surging market.”
This is one reason why pedestrian Sam Mills says he never drives.
"I walk everywhere," said Mills, who added, even if he could afford a car, he could not afford the price of gas.