Endometriosis is a disease that affects one in 10 women and people with uteruses globally, but it remains a lesser-known affliction in the broader culture.
A new month of awareness in Nova Scotia aims to change the perspective on endometriosis, highlighting its impact on so many people.
“This condition is hardly talked about and that is why we need a month to educate the public, politicians, physicians, and health-care professionals about this,” said Susan Leblanc, health and wellness spokesperson with the Nova Scotia NDP, in a news release. “Research shows that endometriosis has cost the Canadian economy $1.8 billion a year, yet many suffering from endometriosis spend years unaware that their symptoms are abnormal.”
March is the first annual Endometriosis Awareness Month in Nova Scotia. The provincial legislature made the month official with an act last fall.
Dr. Elizabeth Randle, based in Nova Scotia, said the cause of endometriosis — which involves tissue growing outside the uterus and causing severe discomfort, pain during periods, and subfertility for the patient — is still unknown.
“There are lots of theories, but we don’t have the basic science knowledge on why it presents differently in other people,” Randle said. “There’s lots of unknowns around endometriosis. Similar to other aspects of women’s health, we’re realizing all the gaps in knowledge.
“More attention and funding will continue to help move that area of knowledge forward.”
Dr. Allana Munro, based in Nova Scotia, said patients often receive an endometriosis diagnosis after they’ve been struggling with the disease for a while.
“By the time we see them, they’ve developed chronic pain,” Munro said. “We try to have an individualized approach for each patient.”
Randle said options for endometriosis can involve medical and surgical routes like hormonal treatment and hysterectomy.
“We know pain is difficult to treat as a standalone symptom,” Randle said. “It’s important for individuals to be aware this a possible diagnosis. When patients come forward and share their stories, we see action.
“There’s a lot of interest now in women’s health and endometriosis. We need more funding for research so we can best serve this patient population.”