
Emergency repairs underway to prevent flooding at Cape Breton legion


Emergency repairs at Cape Breton legion Emergency repairs are taking place at a Cape Breton legion to stop it from flooding due to sewage infrastructure.

The Port Morien Legion is currently undergoing some significant repairs.

The sewage infrastructure has been failing in recent years leading to multiple floods inside.

“It’s being done because it threatened our operation as a legion. We won’t be able to hold functions anymore, if we continue to let the pipes degrade and fail. We were getting flooding every time it rained,” said Allan Cameron, Branch 55 first vice-president.

Branch 55 Legion has experienced some major blockages causing considerable water ingress into the basement and sewer overflows in our bathrooms on multiple occasions. It’s a costly job, and one the legion really can’t afford.

“A lot of this money is just for our operating costs. Although we had money in the back to do the work today our operating costs are going to be hurt tomorrow,” said Cameron

Cameron says they had to act now with more wet weather on the way, or they could lose the legion and the important role in plays in the community.

“Without this building there would be nowhere to host wedding receptions, birthday parties, and memorial services,” said Branch 55 first officer, Nadine Schultz-Neilsen

Through the generations, Branch 55 continues to serve veterans and the community in general.

The overall costs of the repairs are estimated to be around $30,000.

A community fundraiser has already brought in a third of the money in just under a week.

“If we aren’t able to hit our goal, we will be able to fix the hole in the floor, but we will not be able to operate our basement functions as we normally do,” said Cameron

A public community meeting on where the money is going and what will be going needed more forward, will be held at the legion on Sept. 6.

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