Beth Rogers has wanted to perform in one particular theatrical production for nearly 30 years and this summer she’s finally getting the chance. The show carries a special significance for her because it’s all about her father, Stan.
“The show originally came about in 1997 and I’ve wanted to be part of this show since it first came out, but there was never the perfect opportunity to do that,” Rogers said. “Through all of the years since Stan died, there have been many people who have created tribute shows. Everyone likes to perform it and enjoy it.
“This show come out of theatre people wanting to give it a bigger treatment.”
“Stan Rogers: A Matter of Heart” is a musical production focused on the songs and stories of the famed Canadian performer, offering numerous renditions of tunes from his extensive catalogue. It will run in the Island Theatre Festival on P.E.I. in July and August.
Rogers is one of the most-recognizable and popular Canadian folk artists of the 20th century. He is known for songs like “Barrett’s Privateers” and “Northwest Passage.” He died in an airplane fire in 1983.
“Beth and I met doing theatre in Hamilton and she mentioned the project a few years ago,” said James Medeiros, who is also starring in the show. “I knew Stan’s music as a child. It was always in my ear. Discovering his catalogue has been incredible.”
Fellow cast member Kade McCloud noted “45 Years” as a personal favourite, which Stan Rogers wrote for his wife, who will be in attendance for the show on opening night.
“The fact all of us came in (to this project) not being completely foreign to Stan’s music speaks to the longevity of what Stan has created and I’m sure that resonates with people,” McCloud said. “Some arrangements in the show are true to how they were recorded and some have a heightened theatricality. These arrangements hold up so well. It’s so relatable and beautiful.”

Beth Rogers said she often hears her father’s music in various settings across the East Coast, which speaks to his legacy.
“You still can’t go to any bar on the East Coast without hearing one of his songs,” she said. “It’s always a pleasure to have that exposure to his music wherever you go.
“Stan had this incredible ability to meld a set of words to a melody that is immediately catchy and it tells a story in a really deep way.”
“Stan Rogers: A Matter of Heart” will run from July 19 to Aug. 22. Tickets can be found here.