The Dartmouth Community Fridge is helping where it can ahead of Thanksgiving weekend with a new ambitious fundraiser.
The community fridge began in May and is 100 per cent run by community volunteers.
"We try to reduce barriers to people accessing food, so this fridge and the accompanying pantry is open seven days a week, 24/7," said community volunteer Lisa Scott.
Scott says there is no need to register and anyone is welcome to use the fridge at any time, as well as donate food.
"We're getting probably 40 to 50 people during the key part of the day," Scott said. "The people are from all walks of life. More and more we're seeing people who have never been food insecure in the past and are really needing access to healthy supplements to their diets that they just can't afford. So many stories of people that are, for the first time, having to ask for help."
Ahead of Thanksgiving weekend, volunteers for the community fridge decided to launch a campaign called '$10,000 in 10 days -- The Thanksgiving Fundraiser.' Scott says they're collecting funds from Oct. 1 to Oct. 10 -- Thanksgiving Day.
"So, in the spirt of sharing and mutual aid, we said, 'Let's do this fundraiser but let's take 50 per cent of it and share it with our hosts, Christ Church Food Bank,'" said Scott. "Because essentially, we are all in this for the same reason."
Scott says it has been amazing to see many residents and local businesses asking to be a part of the fundraiser.
"The core foundation of this project is about our community respecting each other, and helping each other as people have done for many, many generations," said Scott.
"How do we help our neighbours through tough times? This is one way, it's not the only way, but this is one way in which we can do that," said Scott.
Anyone who wants to donate to the Dartmouth Community Fridge's Thanksgiving fundraiser can do so online.