
Christmas tree lots up and running in Nova Scotia


Tree inventory down in N.S. this year Tree inventory is down in N.S. this year, and that means many are getting a jumpstart on grabbing their tree.

Thursday signalled the start of the busy holiday season for Jenn LeBlanc.

“I did my entire Amazon shopping this morning,” said Leblanc, who also stopped by a tree lot to buy some door decorations.

As for a Christmas tree?

“We’re actually going to go to the valley and harvest ours this year,” said Leblanc.

Lucrecia Castillo’s Dartmouth-based Christmas tree lot opened last weekend.

“Last year we had five shipments come through,” said Castillo, who added she will stay open likely until the third week of December. “I think last year it was about 800 trees. And that includes some little three-foot trees.”

Across town at another lot, trees sell for as cheap as $30 and all the way up to $90.

John VantHof has been in business for 40 years. He grows his own trees in New Germany, Nova Scotia, and ships them all over the world.

“Puerto Rico and we take some up to a lot, and they send them to China,” said VantHof, who is also with the Christmas Tree Council of Nova Scotia and the Lunenburg County Tree Producers Association.

VantHof said the Christmas tree industry has taken a dip in recent years.

“There is way more orders than there are trees,” said VantHof.

Dartmouth resident Charlie Whalen says whenever he sees the Kiwanis Christmas tree lot open, he feels a heavy dose of holiday vibes.

“I think they do a wonderful job, and I think it’s great for the community,” said Whalen.

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