Matthew Leblanc of Port Hastings, N.S., is an outgoing, energetic 11-year-old boy, he was named the 2023 Children's Miracle Network Champion for the IWK.
However, his life didn't get off to an easy start.
"I was born with a kidney failure”, the Grade Five student said.
Leblanc and his twin brother Ben were born at just 32 weeks.
Matthew spent his first six months on dialysis at the IWK in Halifax.
Then at 19 months, he received a kidney transplant from his father.
"It was extremely scary. Nothing can prepare you for that feeling,” said Tonia Leblanc, Matthew’s mother.
When Leblanc was nine, he went into kidney failure again and had to go back to the IWK for another transplant.
"I was very scared and nervous,” he recalled.
Fast forward to February, Matthew was named the 2023 Children's Miracle Network Champion for the IWK in a ceremony held at the Walmart in nearby Port Hawkesbury, N.S.
"I feel like it's sort of helping the IWK Team and stuff,” said Leblanc of the new role.
Leblanc seems to relish the limelight that comes with the opportunity, and he’ll get another chance to be the face of the cause when he co-hosts part of the Sydney broadcast of this year's IWK Telethon on June 3.
"I'm very excited to hear other peoples' stories from the Telethon,” Leblanc said.
Matthew's next stop in his ambassador role will be in Orlando, FL the first week of April - where he and his family will take part in Children's Hospitals Week events.
He'll meet other champion children, and enjoy a trip to Disney World.
"It's very exciting because I haven't been to Disney in like five years,” Leblanc said.
For now, the 11-year-old has a clean bill of health, but his mother says his story is a good reminder of the value of children's hospital care at home.
"I never, ever thought I would have needed the IWK, and we've needed so much from the IWK in the last 11 years,” Tonia Leblanc said.“So you don't know when it's going to be you, or anyone you love."