
Ale you need is sun at this solar powered N.B. brewery


Sunbeams brew beer at N.B. craft brewery A New Brunswick craft brewery is off the grid when it comes to brewing sustainably.

A hot day can make you a cold one at Off Grid Ales.

They are brewing beer using only the sun to power their entire brewery.

"It's definitely something that both my husband and I were super passionate about,” said co-owner Tallyia MacMullin. “Where we live out in the country and protecting the land around us.”

MacMullin and her husband took over the business and moved it to her family's land in Magaguadavic, N.B.

"On a nice sunny day, our solar panels can produce 80 kilowatt hours of electricity per day,” she said. “That is enough to power our entire brewhouse, all of our equipment and the taproom.”

The tap room opened in York County on June 23.

"One of the biggest things is the energy management and knowing the energy consumption of the different pieces of equipment,” said co-owner Tim Byrne. “So that you could purchase equipment that would utilize energy in the best fashion.”

Off Grid Ales brews five different beers -- as long as the sun is on their side.

"We only brew in the daytime when we have a solar source of power so its a little tricky to manage sometimes,” he said. “Especially with the last couple weeks being overcast and cloudy.”

While the taproom just opened, they already have bright plans for the future of their solar powered operation.

"We want to turn this into a brewing estate,” MacMullin said. “We're surrounded by hundreds of acres of land out here in Magaguadavic and our vision is to just really tie into the landscape. Plant our own hops and barley, create estate and have people experience the same vibe as what you would at a winery.”

On a cloudy day, there's plenty of sun in this can.