A fogbow? Yes, it’s a thing.

A fogbow is just like a rainbow, but it appears in fog rather than rain, as the name suggests.

Obviously, it isn’t as colourful as its bright cousin. Rainbows are created when water droplets act like prisms, separating the white light into rainbow colours.

The water droplets which make up fog are so small (less than 0.05 mm) they can’t reflect or refract light within the drops. They’re too tiny! That’s why fogbows end up being white-ish.

Thanks to CTV Vancouver Island viewer Tanja Kerr for the photos!

tanja kerr fogbow

tanja kerr fogbow

tanja kerr fogbow

CTV Vancouver Island viewer Tanja Kerr snapped some beautiful photos of the fog above Goose Spit in Comox, and a fogbow at Kin Beach last Thursday. Sept. 28, 2017. (Photo courtesy Tanja Kerr)