Property owners in Victoria will see a new stormwater utility bill in their mailboxes this month.

The city is one of several municipalities across Canada that has adopted the billing method.

In the past, all stormwater charges were included within the property tax bill and were determined by the assessed property value.

It will now transition to a user-pay system, connecting the impact a property has on the stormwater system directly to the bill.

Charges will be based on each property’s characteristics, including the area of hard surfaces such as a roof and driveway, property use and length of street frontage.

The city defines stormwater as the rain that lands on hard surfaces and then flows into drains and pipes.

The new billing method will also offer incentives for managing rainwater more sustainably through the Rainwater Rewards program.

Property owners can introduce methods such as rain gardens, cisterns, green roofs and permeable paving to reduce their fees.

The first annual stormwater utility bill was sent out to property owners in early October.

You can find more information on the utility bill on the city’s website.

stormwater infographic